Saturday, August 14, 2010


My understanding of sanctification in the life of the believer
I believe the work of sanctification is a continuation of the work of God begun during the regeneration of the human spirit. Since regeneration has taken place the new creation of Christ Jesus, the Christian, is capable of being made into a holy being taking on the likeness of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:2 It also means that the Christian is now a member of the family of God. 1 Peter 2:9 This status is given to us by God. I also believe that sanctification in the life of a believer is a matter of becoming Christ-like not only in essence but also in life practice. Holy living is something that is not a matter of intuition. Even though we are adopted into the family of God we do not necessarily act like it from the first day of the their new birth. Even the Apostle Paul struggled with his actions. Romans 7:15-25 I believe that we are in a state of progressive sanctification. We are separated for the kingdom 1 Peter 2:9 but we are called to live a life of holiness. Galatians 5:19-23. This process is difficult one but we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to achieve this goal.

Terms of sanctification
"sanctified wholly"
To be sanctified wholly means the process where the Holy Spirit gives you awareness of the weaknesses of your flesh. You then, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, give over those areas of struggle in your life until you gain full or wholly victory over those weak areas of your life. Ephesians 5:8-21

"separated from sin" Paul writes in Romans 8 that we have been set free from sin. The things that held us captive do not have to pull us down anymore. Peter also shares that we are to live our lives separated from sin and to be like Christ. 1 Peter 1:15 I believe that this means that we are to represent Christ to the world and if we are engaged in sinful behavior we are first denying our salvation and second casting confusion upon those who have not experienced a relationship with God. I don't think this means we are to avoid sinful people. We are to be a light but we are not to practice sinful behavior.

"fully dedicated" I believe that because we were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20) we are to give our all to God in every part of our lives. When it comes to God there are no secret places to hide. He has called us to give all of our lives for Him. A fully dedicated Christian will be a person at peace with him/herself.

How may sanctification be designated a crisis?
Sanctification may be designated a crisis due to the critical point in time that it begins its initial process. Colossians 3 speaks of "putting on the new self." I believe that the new, regenerated person has been a made new. He or she was spiritually dead and then they are made alive. There was a before and after moment. A crisis point is no different. The process of sanctification has to begin at a point in time and then continue in the life of a believer. It also takes a natural course of spiritual "detoxification." As the Christian gives up sinful habits they must replace them with Holy things. Philippians 4:8 The old ways are removed hence, crisis, then the new fills the space and creates life.

How may sanctification be designated "progressive"
Sanctification may be designated as "progressive" because of the very nature of sanctification. The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2:12-13 that the believer in Christ "must work out their salvation with fear and trembling." I believe that what Paul was getting at was this very point. Sanctification is a process. At the moment of salvation the Christian is brought into the family of God and thus separated for works of righteousness. Which is a powerful witness for non-believers demonstrating the power of God to dramatically change lives for the best. However, not all of the sin "reflexes," typically disappears overnight. Romans 12:9, 16-17 Romans 12:1-2 Paul is saying that it takes work to make a complete change for
Christ. The great thing is that although it involves our will power it does not mean that we must accomplish this task on our own. The Holy Spirit will help if we let Him. It should be the hope and effort of every Christian that as time passes they too will grow to be the person that God is calling them to be.

The evidences of a sanctified life
The evidences of a sanctified life are spelled out in Galatians 5:22-23. These have been termed the "fruits of the Spirit." Paul writes in chapter 5 of Galatians that are a whole list of sinful behaviors that basically end in death. Then in Galatians 5:22 he counters the list of sin symptoms with a list of evidences of a life lived according to the Spirit of God. To further illustrate this point I must refer to Jesus. He spoke in Matthew 7:16-20 that you can tell a tree by its fruit. I believe that a person who is living a sanctified life will also represent a life that possesses the qualities of Christ and not the world’s ways.

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